Do Your Dreams Pass The ‘Wet Manure’ Test?

Have you ever wondered why a lot of your dreams never get accomplished?

Maybe that is because it does not pass the ‘wet manure’ test!

I know exactly what you are thinking…’What does manure have to do with goals’ – especially wet manure (because that is just gross!)

Would You Shovel Wet Manure To Achieve Your Goals?

If I was to ask you what your long term goals are, what would they be?

Would it be:

  • To Pay Off Your Mortgage?
  • To Upgrade Your Car?
  • To Travel Overseas?

Now all of those dreams sound great – don’t they? Would you be motivated to build your list and work online to try and make enough to pay off your mortgage?

If you say yes, then let me ask you another question…

Would You Be Willing To Shovel Wet Manure For Two Hours Each Day For Those Goals?

I don’t know about you, but those goals don’t seem that important anymore.

There is no way that you would get me to shovel cow poo (or whatever type of poo you choose) just to upgrade my car, or travel overseas. While those goals are nice – I am not willing to make that type of sacrifice!

Wet Manure = Hard Work

It would be safe to say that the wet manure in this statement is an analogy for hard work.

Many times we will say that we are committed to our goals, but when we realise that it is going to take a lot more work than we expected – we give up.

This really makes me wonder we were ever committed to our goals in the first place, or if it was just a ‘it would be nice if….’ type of pipe dream.

Are You Sold Out To Your Goals?

Look back over your goals and revisit the ‘wet manure’ question.

Would you really be willing to shovel wet manure for 2 hours each day – if it meant you achieved your goals?

If not, then maybe it is time to re-evaluate your goals!

You will only achieve the goals that you are committed to.

What Are Your No Compromise Goals?

If your current goals did not pass the test, then you need to dig a little deeper. Do you have any goals that you will not compromise on? Goals that you do not even give yourself the option of failing.

What Would You Be Willing To Shovel Wet Manure To Achieve?

I don’t know about you, but as gross as it sounds – here is an example of something that I would shovel wet manure!

To Not Miss Out On My Child Growing Up

With my wife and I currently expecting our first child, one of my ‘no compromise, wet manure test passing’ goals is to be an active participator in my my child’s life.

I don’t want our family to be a family where the father goes to work early and comes home late – tired, leaving the wife and mother to become somewhat of a single parent. I want to be home to see our child’s first steps, to experience the joys of being a father.

For me this is a NO COMPROMISE!

Why We Need Wet Manure Goals…

If you are considering or currently working towards making money online, then you are going to need some pretty strong ‘wet manure passing goals’!

Everyone gets sold the dream that making money online (whether it be by blogging, product creation, list building or bum marketing), is easy and you are going to make a full-time income is just a few short months.

While this may be true for some people, for the majority of us, it is going to take a lot of hard work, unsuccessful attempts and more hard work.

If you don’t have any no compromise goals, then when it all starts getting tough and you feel ready to give up – you will! There is nothing that will make you pick yourself back up and start again. Nothing that will push you forward through the problems.

The new car and the holiday will not help, you need to dig deeper if you want to succeed!

Now, let’s start discussing! Do you have an ‘Wet Manure Passing Goals’? Do you think you need goals to success? Share your thoughts and let’s see what we can come up with!

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