Your Small List Can Equal Big Profits

As my day job, I work for a marketing company that creates products to help builders with their marketing and I wanted to draw from something that recently happened at work – and try and pull a few keys that will help you with you list building efforts.

You see, we are always told that we need a massive email list if we want to make big money – but I have found that doesn’t have to be the case.

When I started working with the company about a year ago, I designed their website and decided to add an Aweber account to start list building from the website. All we did was offer a preview of our paid products – but we consistently see about 5 new subscribers a day. And now we have close to 500 subscribers of our email list.

Just in the last week we launched our latest product that retailed for $990, and one of the first things that I did was shoot out an email to our email list (and also contacted our regular clients). Just from the list we had two builder contact us and decided to purchase our product – and one of them decided to also purchase an up-sell that was an additional $1,500.

So we made close to $3,500 from one mail-out to our email list. Not bad hey?

But if you add one of our previous clients (who had first come from the email list), who also purchased our product and is paying us to redo his whole corporate image, you can see out Aweber account is very profitable – from about 500 subscribers!

How To Profit From A Small Email List

So, as I mentioned, I wanted to draw a few things from this event that will show you how you can profit from your email list – even while it is still growing.

  1. Have A List Interested In Your Product

    I would much rather have a very refined email list of subscribers who have are interested in what I have to offer, than a massive list of people who signed up just to get something free.

    This is why so many internet marketers, that have a product they are selling, give away a ‘leaked chapter’ or ‘free video’ that is a part of their product.

    What you are doing here is screening your potential clients. Only keeping the ones that had displayed an interest in your actual product.

  2. Have An ‘Unable To Refuse Up-Sell’

    If one of your list purchases your product – do you have anything else to offer them? What we did at the company I work for is offered a selection of our older products at a very large discount. As the products we create have such a minimal production cost (like most information products), we could discount the product by 60% or more and still be making a very nice product – and as they had already seen the real price of the products, they know the up-sell is an incredible saving (and hopefully unable to refuse!)

  3. Don’t Sell Low Priced Items

    If you want to seriously profit from a small email list you can’t focus on the $10 affiliate commissions. The reasons we were able to make so much in sales from one email was because we had high ticket items.

    Now I am not saying that you have to aim that high (but do you think it is easier to make one five $10 commissions or one $50 commission?

    By focusing on higher commission products, you will also have to send less sales based emails to your list – leaving you with more time to provide quality content to your email list ( building their trust).

So don’t stress if you only have a small list at the moment. Everyone starts somewhere and you really can start to profit while you list is still growing.

And if you have not already, sign up for an Aweber Account and start to BUILD THAT LIST! (They even give you a 30 day trial!)

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