Squeeze Page Tips For Better Conversion

I don’t know about you, but I am always looking to increase my squeeze page conversion rates and so I am constantly looking for new tips and tricks from other internet marketers.

Well, I just happened to find this free ebook (you don’t even have to give him your email address) by Jason Fladlien. (Download link is down the bottom so you can atleast pretent to read the rest of my post!), and it really had some of the best tips that I have ever seen to increase conversion from your squeeze page – and I wanted to share one of the tips with you – and you can download his ebook to get the full story.

The one way you will dramatically increase the conversion rate of your squeeze page is to:

Only Collect Their Email Address

Now I know what you are going to say. “But don’t we need their names so that we can personalise our emails to them?

Well this is Jasons arguement against collecting names:

The only time we collect someone’s name is on the order form.

There is never a good reason we can justify collecting their name on the optin page. Fact – it will ALWAYS decrease your response if you capture their name.

So what do you do instead? Just collect email. That’s it. Nothing else.

Yep, you can’t do that stupid “name personalization” in your autoresponder sequence – but who falls for that crap anyway? And do you really want to “trick” your prospects into buying form you? I don’t.

So there is no reason to collect a name on an option page. So don’t. Collect email address only and notice a nice bump in your conversion.

It’s definitely something worth discussion.

If you want to read the rest of what Jason has to say about squeeze pages then click the link below:

Download Squeeze Page Stupidity

Make sure you get access to my free squeeze page!