7 Squeeze Page Tactics For Building Your List

When you create a successful affiliate or online business for that matter, one of the key aspects of your success or failure in the long term will, if you build a list.

It is that important.

One way of achieving this is to have a page of compression. It is a simple website with a form optin on it so that visitors can give you their name and email address in exchange for what some call a bribe “ethical”.

Usually, a free report, ebook or audio. Something that is relevant to the niche or topic.

This form of option is connected to your voice and it gets subscribers to your newsletter or ezine. In doing so, they give you permission to email and start to create a relationship with them. You can have a series of emails going out, or at least a welcome email.

If they ever want to unsubscribe, it is very easy for them to do so because, at the bottom of each e-mail address must be a link.

So what makes a Squeeze page effective?

1. There should be a strong attention as a striking quotation marks. (I like to use the Tahoma font in red)

2. A signature

3. Some points of what they will opt in. (Whats it for them) You probably do not want more than about eight bullet points.

4. Make sure the ball point lead curiosity

5. A strong call to action. . . “Just enter your name and email below primary” (Tell them exactly what you want them to do.) If you do not make your prospect is likely to leave without taking the actions you want .

6. Let them know that you do not spam and that you will never sell it the name and e-mail and faithful to your promise.

7. Make sure there is nothing else to do on the page, except optin. No other connections should be on this page. It is optin or leave it.

Once you get these basics in place, you can try other things like adding audio or video. Or adding photos or other images. But again you want to keep things simple.

Make sure the copy on your page compression flows well and also include some words of power.

To get a feel for what works in your niche, do some research. Check your main competitors squeeze pages. Get ideas from them and do a test page and squeeze the second split these two different pages to see the page that gets the most optins.

You can use Google Website Optimizer to test fractionation. It’s free and can be a very powerful tool.

Oh, you’ll also need a web page editor. A good one is free Nvu. There are others out there but it is a good WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get).

So if you have not got around to receive your page still shaking now is the time. The sooner the better so that you can begin to build that all important list.

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