How to Build a List Fast – 6 Strategies For Success

The days are gone of easy internet profits. If you don’t believe me try finding a genuine testimonial from someone starting a business in January 2008 from scratch who earns $5000 per month or more – I wish you luck but you’d be better off revisiting your strategies for building your list. If you’ve been “doing” internet marketing for a couple of days you will already have read that “the money is in the list” and this is true. Today’s super affiliates earn their thousands of dollars a day by launching new products to their loyal subscriber base not through Google Adwords or similar. In fact I read recently that each subscriber to your least is worth $1 per month revenue. So 10000 subscribers equals $10000 per month. Wow.
So what are you doing to build your list because that should be your focus – not selling product and earning commissions. That will come but patience is required and if you don’t have patience you’re going to quit this business pretty quickly which would be a shame. I’m not trying to put you off I want you to succeed but be realistic. If you can spend 2-4 hours per day as an internet marketer doing the basics you will start making money but get not expect immediate results. I say give it 90 days to get to a sensible target of between $500 and $1,000 per month. Again, don’t be disappointed by that. If you can get to $500 per month in 3 months you can get to $5000 per month in 12-18 months just by doing the 2-4 hour a day basics. You just need to have patience and a bit of faith.
Okay sermon over here are some great list building tips. Maybe you’ve read them before but that’s not the point. The point is are you applying and taking systematic and daily action every day? If not, that is a significant reason why you might be struggling with your own line venture
List Building Strategy 1
Articles – How many do you write each and every day? The answer is as many as possible. I set myself a goal of a minimum two per day 5 days per week and I usually achieve that. Think about it – thats 10 articles per week, 40 articles per month and 480 articles per year. If I get two new subscribers from each article then at the end of the year thats a list of 1,000 highly targeted individuals. Personally I’m disappointed if each article I write doesn’t get 10 subscribers to my list. Do the maths thats 4800 subscribers from this tactic alone?
List Building Strategy 2
Free Ads – The service I find most useful is USFreeAds (google it). It’s not actually free to us internet marketers but it only cost $10 per month and you can place an unlimited number of adverts. Again I look for each ad to generate 1 subscriber a day to my list. I can run up to 30 ads per month on this service each for 30 days. So that’s 30 subscribers a month to my list times 30 or 900 per month. Starting to sound exciting isn’t it. Oh you should also give Craigs list a go.
List Building Strategy 3
Blogging – Blogging is a great way to build your list and a great way to generate revenue. Now I’d need to write a separate article on blogging and I certainly will but you can use content on your blog from all your articles, hyper link directly to product promotions and ask people to join your list. It takes a while to get a blog up and running successfully but I’d hope to generate some quickish sales (say 6 weeks from starting out) and get 1 sign up a day to my list. Another 365 then and it could be much higher. 10 per day = 3650 and that is doable.
List Building Strategy 4
Forums – There are literally thousands of forums where people go to discuss just about every topic you can imagine. Whatever subject your interested in google it and add the term forum at the end of your phrase. Posting questions, answering questions and kicking off debates is another great way to pick up subscribers to your list. You do this by using your signature box to include a link to your squeeze page for sign ups and freebies. If you are unfamiliar with squeeze pages – well that’s another article for me but for now, you guessed it – google it.
List Building Strategy 5
Co-Registration Services – This may be a new term for you and can be a great way to build a list quickly. It’s a widely accepted and highly successful method of reaching a broader audience than you might be capable of on your own. Even if your site generates minimal traffic, it gives you the opportunity to build your opt-in list quickly and guarantee that you are targeting the right market. For an example of a co-registration service visit listopt. There are many more and this isn’t a personal recommendation.
List building Strategy 6
Get a free 34 page report with a $47 value on List Building by following the link in my resource box. It will provide some fantastic additional information and recommend some other great tools for building your list the right way.
In presenting this article I hope you agree that it has provided something of value. I read so much “this is what you need to do” but so little “this is how you do it”. These 5 Strategies will enable you to build a big list from which you will profit. The key to success is to implement each of them each and every day. Keep an eye open for future articles from me when I will provide more How To on each of the strategies covered above.
I wish you every success.

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Mike Page is an up and coming internet marketer navigating his way through the maze of information overload. The system Mike found that made sense of jungle out there can be found here.

If you now believe the focus of your internet business should be building a list and not worrying about what everyone else is doing grab a superb 34 page report for free.