How To Handle List Unsubscribers

If you have been list building for any period of time, I am sure you would have experience one (or unless you are the most perfect internet marketer many) people unsubscribe from your list.

How do you handle list unsubscribers?

If you are anything like me, your list subscribers are like your family. You treat them well and really want them to like you! That is why it is hard to not take it personally when a lead unsubscribes from your list. But instead of wallowing in self-pity, there are few things that you can do.

  • Don’t Take It Personally

    If someone is unsubscribing from your list, it usually means that they are not interested in what you are talking about. That means that they would never be a profitable lead anyway. So technically, them unsubscribing is helping you to have a clean email list!

    Now we have got your emotions out of the way, it is time to use your unsubscribers to perfect your list!

  • Take Note Of Their Feedback

    I am not sure with other mailing list software, but with Aweber when a person unsubscribes they are given the option to leave feedback on why they unsubscribed (and they usually do :D).

    So make the most of it. While you probably just caught most of them on a bad day, so definitely filter their comments, they told you why they subscribed so it is now your turn to do something with it.

    Usually their comments will fall under 3 categories.

    1. ‘I’m Tired Of Getting SPAMMED’
      When you receive this comment. It usually means that they are not the type of subscriber that you want. If your emails are personal and are not trying to be ‘over salesy’ I would just disregard this comment and move on.However, if you are continuing to get this response from your list unsubscribers, I would definitely look over the way that you have structured your list strategy.
    2. ‘Your Information Is Now Longer Relevant’
      This could mean exactly what it says, or it could mean that YOU have changed. Are you still providing the answers to the same questions they wanted answered at the beginning, or have you changed your lists course?

      People will sign up to your list because you promise answers to the questions. As soon as they find their answers or you fail to provide solutions -you run the risk of losing them as subscribers.

    3. ‘Subscribed To Too Many Lists’
      The questions I always ask myself when I get this email is, ‘Why did they unsubscribe from my list?’

      If they wanted to trim back the mailing lists they were subscribed to, what was I doing wrong to not make the cut? The answers is always that another mailing list was proving better answers to their questions then I was.

  • Ask Your Subscribers What THEY Want

    The funny thing with marketing, is that as marketers we believe we have all the answers. We think that our lists want the information that we send them – BUT have we ever stopped and asked them?

    What if we actually took the time to find out exactly what our list wanted?

    Wouldn’t that help us infinitely? Wouldn’t that make our lists much more profitable? Because we would know exactly what they wanted, meaning we could provide the products that would answer their needs.

But What If A Lot Of People Are Unsubscribing?

There can be a lot of reasons for this, but it always comes back with you not providing what they are looking for.

This could mean that your ‘bribe’ is not effective – as people are just subscribing for your gift and unsubscribing once they have it (easily fixed with changing your bribe to an e-course).

Or maybe the bribe that you are using is not related to the content and offers that you are sending in your emails. Of course a lot of people would unsubscribe if you are offering a free blog theme as incentive to subscribe, and then your emails are all about how to get the opposite sex to like you. Your bribes have to be related to your niche.

The important thing to remember is to not stress about people unsubscribing – it is a normal part of list building and management. Instead try to learn from your unsubscribers, or better yet, learn from your subscribers while they are still your subscribers!

Don’t forget to ‘Build That List!’

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