How To Set Up And Use a Squeeze Page That You Can Change In Seconds

These days having a good optimized squeeze page is so important to your online business. Gone are the shoddy pages that have little or no use and offer nothing to the subscriber.

There are so many free squeeze pages available it is hard to choose which one you want, but before you do choose you have to make a few decisions first.

You have to decide if the squeeze page fits in with the theme of your website as a whole or what you are promoting/selling. If it doesn’t you will only confuse or drive custom away, after all if you are promoting internet marketing for instance and your squeeze page shows pictures or a header of wild flowers it is just a little confusing for the customer. So you do need to choose carefully.

Another factor is how tecky are you? If you are like me then you can barely work out what an FTP program is let alone how to use it. Most of these free templates come so that you have to use an HTML editor such as NVU or the like and then save it and upload it to a server using an FTP program such as FILEZILLA or others, there are plenty of them out there. The point is if you aren’t very technologically minded all of the last paragraph may as well be in a foreign language right!!..

So you do have to do your homework to get it right before you start.

Wouldn’t it just be great if there was something out there that would just be on your website so all you do is make changes on your browser, Internet explorer or Firefox, No HTML editors and then it was automatically transferred to your website for you and just appeared as you want it too.

Well I wish…

What If you could have a website like this that was set up for you and YOU could make the changes to a variety of templates and add bullet points, videos from any source and place them anywhere on the page and change headlines, sub headers etc. this would almost certainly sound out of this world wouldn’t it and it would be on most peoples “must have” list.

There are some hosting companies like BRAVENET and ONE as examples that do offer free templates and build your own website programs but these are pretty common and not personal to you, there are literally thousands of individuals using the same website template as you. Yo want to stand out from the crowd and be unique don’t you?

I’m not rubbishing these companies or others like them as they do provide a great service for people who are not tecky minded but personally I want something different, easier to use and more spectacular when you see it.

Now what if you had a great squeeze page and wanted to check the stats for it, a lot of work using the normal route of tracking but if there was a way to simply insert a code into the page and it stays there no matter what changes you make to the page, that has to be worth something.

All in all there are a lot of squeeze pages out there at the moment but these DO rely on you knowing something about HTML or FTP to get them onto your website. I want something that is so simple that even I can use it with NO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE of html or ftp, I’m not interested in learning this, why should I after all I’m a business man not a computer wiz kid and I don’t expect the programmers to come and run my business for me so why should I learn theirs.

Let them produce the programs and I’ll quite happily buy if it makes my life so much easier.

If you want more detailed information on this type of squeeze page then please visit the website.

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George Faulkner owns and maintains

This is a website for people who want to have original squeeze pages but have little

or no prior knowledge of HTML or FTP. But still want amazing results.
