How To Use Facebook To Explode Your MLM Business Online!

Is your MLM not growing as fast as you hoped? You need more leads? You’ve heard and read about social networking but don’t totally know how to make it work for you.

Here’s how you can use Facebook to generate leads online and explode your MLM

1. Join Facebook. . . If you haven’t already done that.

2. Decide what “Niche” you want to work in.

For my Facebook Group “MLM On A Shoe String Budget – EASILY Get 50 To 100 FREE Leads Every Day”, I’ve obviously chosen the niche of “Online MLM”.

3. Now you need to generate a list of friends.

There are several ways to do this, but asking the Friends of “Online MLM Guru’s” to be your friend is a good way to get started with targeted, qualified prospects who are already working to build thier MLM.

Go to Google and search “MLM Guru” and then search for them on Facebook – you want someone with more than 500 friends.

Go to “Facebook Search” and search for MLM (or your niche, like “weight loss” for example) and find a guru that has a Facebook presence.

OR. . . Find a group in your niche with more than 200 members.

Invite the members of this group or the friends of the guru to be your friends too.

Just click on “View Friends” and then click “Add as Friend”.


It’s very important to include a brief – maybe 2 or 3 line invitation message with your friend request and to vary this message every 5 to 10 requests. Otherwise the Facebook crawlers will cite you for inappropriate activity and send you a warning and eventually shut down your membership if you persist.

For the moment they are allowing this level of activity.

Don’t do more than 20 to 25 at a time and you probably shouldn’t do more than 50 a day if you want to be a responsible Facebook member.

If you do 50 a day and 10 become friends then you will get 300 friends a month.

4. Start a GROUP with a title , that contains search keywords like mine does, so other Facebook members can find you.

5. Open your Group and click “Invite People to Join”.

A list of your Friends will appear at the top right hand side – click on your friends and a list will be created. Remember to do no more than 25 at a time here too. Facebook monitors how much time you spend on a repetitive activity.

Create a nice brief little invitation message – remember to include your “Group URL” and send off the mesage to 50 friends a day as we discussed earlier.

Once you have members in your group you can click the link “Message all Members” and send out your sales and educational messages.

6. Post to your “What are you doing now” message at least 3 times a day and comment on others pics and videos.

Duplicate your efforts by turning your group messages into articles and publish them on Ezine Articles – that’s what I just did here.

How do you do that?

Pretty simple. You join Ezine Articles and some of the other article directories like Go Articles as an author, read the submission guidelines, clean your message up a bit and post it for publication.

The first couple take a while as you learn the ropes and after that it’s easy.

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If you want to know step by step how to explode your MLM Business Online then visit: ” The Jim Keays MLM Lead System “