Increase Your Email List Conversion Rates

List building for an online business is an important strategy but serves little purpose if the sales conversion rates from the list are low. The purpose for building a list is to have access to a ‘stable’ of repeat buyers on which you can grow a business.

An effective email marketing campaign that targets the needs and wants of list members is the best way to monetize your list.

Capturing the contact information of site visitors is the first step in list building. What we’re going to discuss here is what we do with this information that will best benefit the growth of your business.

Throwing up a squeeze page and offering a free gift to encourage people to leave their contact information is simple enough. The next important step is to learn how to best manage this list so that both our income and business can grow from it.

Below are 7 key strategies you’ll need to follow that will help you manage this list and maximize your profits from it:


Immediately upon signing up at your squeeze page a follow up email should be sent out to all new subscribers. You are welcoming them to your list and indicating to them what they can expect from you. At this point your ’email marketing campaign’ has begun but take care NOT to be promoting something every time you contact your list members. Supplying useful content without constantly selling your list will build up a stronger sense of trust and loyalty with them. This is important so don’t overdo it with continuous sales tactics!


When you begin marketing products to your email list make sure the product fits the needs or wants that your list members have shown. Be equally sure that whatever you do promote is of good quality.

Having personal and positive experience with the product is always best. When composing a message with a product recommendation to your email list your satisfaction and enthusiasm for what you are promoting will be evident in your words and tone. This in turn will have a more positive influence on the readers buying decision.


Marketing products online involves the use of copywriting skills that trigger certain emotional responses from readers. Being your headline is the first thing readers will see you’ll want to be sure it grabs their attention. Speak to their needs, wants, or fears getting them to read further on in the email you’ve sent them.

Use the body of your email message for any promotional advertising directed at the product you’re recommending.


Product recommendations from a 3rd party are always helpful when promoting anything.
This helps establish certain credibility for the product since it is not perceived as being a biased opinion. Prospective buyers use this as a validation as to whether they themselves should make the purchase.


To further insure a certain comfort level for any prospective buyer all offers should be accompanied with a hassle free money back guarantee.


As we spoke about earlier not all your contact with the email list should be on a promotional level. On the other hand when you are promoting something to your list address early on in your message the value the product has for them. After that you need to plainly state what it is you want your reader to do, lead them to the order form, then ask for the order.


Always compare the performance of different headlines, sales copy content, order forms, and various promotional advertising techniques. As one outperforms another try something new to compete against the former ‘winner’ so that you are continually improving the conversion rate.

Improving the conversion rates of your promotional efforts with your email list is a continual process. By following the 7 simple strategies we discussed here you’re sure to see your rates improve and your business grow.

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TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina.
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