List Building – Why You Need A Compelling Squeeze Page

If you want to build a large and highly profitable list, then there are several ways to go about it. You can add opt-in forms to specific pages of your website or blog, or have an opt-in form appear as a pop-up on your site, but by far the most effective method is to create a squeeze page.
A squeeze page is simply a webpage whose only objective is to collect the name and email address of the people who view that page. It’s similar in many ways to a sales page, except that in this case you are selling your newsletter, or the free report or bonus that you are offering in exchange.
Therefore in order to encourage your visitors to opt-in you first of all need to either highlight the benefits of your newsletter, or ‘bribe’ them with a free gift. This could be a free report or mini-series, for example. Basically anything that you think would make as many visitors as possible want to join your list.
Once you have a free gift, you then need a compelling headline outlining the benefits of joining your newsletter and/or the benefits of the free gift(s) that you are offering in exchange for them opting in to receive your newsletter. It has to grab the visitor’s attention immediately and encourage them to read on and hopefully opt in.
You then need to outline each individual benefit in the form of bullet points. Each bullet point will help build a solid case for why the visitor should join your list. If done well, your visitor will now be ready to join your list when they have reached this point, so now it’s just a case of presenting your opt-in form (with a little disclaimer regarding your privacy policy and how their information is safe with you).
So in summary you need a strong headline, leading onto a list of bullet points where you outline the benefits of your free gift and/or newsletter, before presenting them with your opt-in form.
This is the tried and tested method for creating a compelling squeeze page. It’s important to note that a strong squeeze page can convert at 50%+ so use this figure as a target and keep tweaking and split-testing different squeeze pages until you have one that converts as highly as possible. With an effective squeeze page you can build a very large list very quickly.

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& lt; /p& WP; & lt; p& WP; James Woolley is an agent of marketing