3 Reasons You Are Failing At List Building!

I don’t know if you have noticed, but it’s seems like one of the biggest problems that people have in internet marketing is building a list.

While everyone (including myself) proclaim that the money is in the list, not that many bloggers seem to be doing it successfully.So if you are one of the people who have a failing email list, then I thought it would be a good idea to go through a couple of reasons your list is not grow – or making any money!

Why You Are Failing At List Building!

  1. People Don’t Know Where To Sign Up

    You cannot build a list if people don’t know how to sign up. So make it OBVIOUS, EASY and UNABLE TO PASS UP!

    Don’t hide your signup form! Make sure you draw attention to list , by using arrows or dashed lines (anything that will get your visitors eyes from your content to your list signup form.

    For blogging, one of the best places that you can place your list’s signup form is right after your content. This is because your readers will hopefully have just been ‘wowed’ by your content and are now qualified readers who want more information.

    It has been proven that the less obstacles that you place in front of someone, the more likely they will do what you want them too. So if you are asking for peoples Name, email, address, phone number and income, then your chances of building a big list quickly are quite slim. So cut it back to the essentials – all you really need is peoples email address ( and you will probably convert up to 30% more if you are just asking for email address, as compared to name and email address.

    All that being said, no one will subscribe to your list unless there is something in it for them. So make sure your sign up form passes the WIIFM (What’s In It For Me) test.

    So make sure you are providing incentives for people to sign up or you will have a weak, empty, unprofitable list.

  2. People Don’t Care What You Have To Say

    What is your credibility?

    People hate to receive a lot of worthless emails, so what is your reason for people wanting to subscribe to yours?

    • Are you an expert in your field?
    • Do you have something that no one else does?
    • Can you help solve your visitors problems?

    If you answer no to all of these questions, then chances are that your email list is going to fail.

  3. You Don’t Treat Your Subscribers With Respect

    Once you have started to build your list – and are finally getting some subscribers, you need to make sure you are nurturing your list.

    After putting all your hard work into gaining your subscribers, the last thing you want to do is treat them wrong – and make them unsubscribe. Don’t go spamming your list with every single offer you find – if you do this you will most certainly fail. Instead provide quality content to your list and only recommend products that you personally recommend – and don’t over promote!

I know that these points are quick broad, and I know that there are probably quite a lot of successful list builders that break one or more of these points. What the point I am trying to push across is that if you put these tips into action you will have a much better chance of growing a profitable email list!

Do you have anything to do? What do you think causes list builders to fail?

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