Online Newsletter Subscribers: 3 Ways To Build Your Email List

Online newsletters are an excellent way to reach out to readers and get them hooked onto your website. They are an effective way of informing people about new products and releases. The best part about using newsletters as an email marketing tool is that regardless  of the number of existing subscribers, you can always add more to your list!

Take a look at three great ways to build your email list:

1. Provide Numerous Sign-Up Boxes

A really great and simple way to get more subscribers is to place multiple sign-up boxes all over your website. There should be at least one sign-up box on each page of your website. Ensure the pages of your website that are visited most often have their own sign-up box. Sign-up boxes help because people who are visiting your website for the first time will very rarely land on the page dedicated to registration. The more the number of boxes, the better the chances of a new visitor seeing a box and using it.

2. Provide an Incentive

Give visitors a good reason to subscribe to your online newsletter. In other words, ensure that you provide a good incentive for people to join your subscriber list. One interesting incentive is placing an advertisement stating that you will distribute free gifts to all those who sign up. This is sure to draw in a lot of new subscribers. Free gifts might include subscribers’ items such as an eBook. Creating an eBook doesn’t take a lot of time and it makes people happy when they receive it for free. You could ensure your gifts are inexpensive or cost the minimum amount to post. Another option is to provide new subscribers with free services. Services could include a free digital business card or even stationery.

3. Hold a Contest

Holding a contest is a great way to attract new subscribers to your online newsletter. One great idea is to hold a contest in which existing subscribers try to bring in as many new subscribers as possible. This can be done by placing a special link for all those interested in participating in this contest. Such contests are a great way to discover how many prospective subscribers you might have. In addition, they also let you know which of your current subscribers has led prospective subscribers to your newsletter. Distributing prizes amongst winners should increase subscriber loyalty to your online newsletter as well as make them happy. Make sure the gift offered by you is good enough for the amount of time the reader has spent in getting you those new subscribers.

If you are interested in increasing your online newsletter subscriber base, the three tips offered are sure to be of tremendous help. So take a look at them and give them a shot. Best of luck!

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Gary San is a best practices activist and advocate for Benchmark Email ( ), a leading Web and permission-based newsletter marketing service.