What Exactly is a Squeeze Page?

List building is an important process for every online business, and squeeze pages are one of the best tools to build your mailing list.

A squeeze page is a web page designed to do one thing and one thing only: to obtain or gently “squeeze” your visitors’ information so that you have their permission to email them with your newsletter or other information.

Most squeeze pages will convert at 30 to 50% but a really good squeeze page might convert visitors at 60% or even higher. The conversion rate will depend not only upon the design of the page but also upon the quality of the traffic coming to the page.

Here are the key components of a good squeeze page.

An Attention Grabbing Headline

Immediately under your web site title or logo you need a bold headline that grabs your visitors’ attention. It’s best to come up with two or three good headlines and then test each to see which has the highest conversion rate.

Your heading or subheading should also promise to deliver something valuable that your visitors want or need. One of the statements I have used is “Learn the Secrets of Driving Traffic To Your Web Site Like Crazy!” If your visitors believe that you will deliver what you promised, and it is something they want, then they will sign up. It’s as simple as that.

Offer a Gift

Offering a free gift such as a free report or free e-book is one of the most powerful techniques to entice people to give you their name and email. If you don’t have an e-book to give away, write one. It doesn’t need to be 100 pages. Many e-books given away like this are just 16-25 pages. Try it and watch your conversions soar.

Don’t Ask for Too Much

Don’t ask for too much information in your sign up box. All you need to capture at this time is your visitor’s first name and email address. If you ask for too much immediately you will turn away some subscribers and your conversion rate will fall. You can give your subscribers an opportunity to provide more information later. But the purpose of your squeeze page is simply to get them in the door. So keep it very simple.

Keep it Short

A squeeze page should not be long like some of the sales pages you see – you are not meant to be giving twenty reasons why they should purchase something from you here. Your squeeze page must be straight to the point. In effect, “Here’s what I will give you… and here’s all you need to do to get it. Thanks.” So keep it short.

No External Links

There should be no external links on your squeeze page. That means no links to your other sales pages, no links to other web sites or affiliate products, and definitely no Google AdSense advertisements. You want to remove all other options that might distract your visitor. Now he or she has a simple choice, to sign up or walk away.

Give Your Privacy Assurance

Do you respect your subscriber’s privacy? With the CANSPAM laws you had better! So tell them that! Let them know that you hate spam too and that their personal details will be kept private. It’s good to show this information close to the submit button.

That is how to set up a good squeeze page. If you set it up carefully you’ll see 50% of your visitors signing up to your list.

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Daniel Moro has been successfully building online businesses for ten years. Download your free report on ’10 Remarkably Effective Traffic Building Techniques’ at http://www.DanielMoro.com/listbuilding.htm