What Your Facebook Status Says About You!

& lt; p& WP; each moment passés, réflexions on our lives, our expériences and our identités s’ to delay on an infinite wire. Can one never seek à to réfléchir on the façon of which to look at us us-mêmes? Dalaï Daili has écrit:  “the façon d’ to examine how the pensées and émotions are born in us by l’ introspection. It is very à natural fact for much of pensées and d’ émotions to be posed. When us to leave them examinés and savage what leads à immense problèmes, crises, the suffering and the misère. When they are found on, it supports a deep compréhension of which we are.  “L’ spirit is also difficult à contrôler that the wind, some will say, but I d’ another share to see that we can contrôler our pensées. I want to say n’ is not this l’ énergie éolienne aujourd’ today? Greening whoever??? & lt; /p& WP; Of all façon, by leaving our pensées and our feelings incontrôlée and savage can entraîner of the innumerable problèmes, of the crises, the suffering and the misère. Do not believe it? Here how. & lt; /P& WP; My friends mère girlfriend has a page Facebook and my friend has décidé to ask for his friend. Then, they are now ” Facebook friends.  “My friend goes à a fête one evening and hooks with another girl. My friend said the young girl qu’ it accroché with what c’ était an error for them to connect and it had a boyfriend if she has accepté not to speak à nobody. All seemed to cool jusqu’ à what his/her boyfriend has appelé the following day and the dumping, because she said qu’ it l’ had seen gaining with another girl. My friend did not know only quelqu’ one had taken a photograph of him taken with l’ another girl and qu’ it était  “tags”, allowing à its mère girlfriend to see the photograph of its buffooneries promiscuité. Parce qu’ it has mentionné how ” foutu” it obtained during part à its setting à day the statute, it was l’ invitation of its mère girlfriend utilisé to post her page and the photographs qu’ it has été  “marqués” in conséquence, known as his friend of him cheating which leads à rupture. Problèmes, the crisis, the suffering, the misère? I tag présent under heading  “homerun” parce qu’ it définitivement effacé all bases on this one. & lt; /P& WP; Here another example of the façon to leave our pensées and our feelings incontrôlée can entraîner of the innumerable problèmes: & WP; & lt; /strong Before j’ have quitté my employment à full time to continue l’ Professional écriture, j’ have remarqué qu’ there was many of my collègues which had Facebook profiles of their characteristic – some même in management. There was this collègue one of the miens which has été fidèle à l’ évolution of settings à day its statute of every 20 minutes. It would be put à day  “nous” (to tell us à his/her Facebook friends who I am l’ a d’ between them) on the subject first words of his/her child, his husband to breathe deuxième café méchants and how much looking at balance chart of crédit each month has just made its buy more Starbucks. Time came for the end from l’ année and évaluations, unfortunately, it has été congédiée of its station, undoubtedly because hours to miss productivité making it possible to announce à his/her Facebook friends on teeth à café of Jim and the premières étapes small Julie. & lt; Problèmes, the crisis, the suffering, the misère? & lt; /Strong& WP; No work? C’ is problèmes, crises, the suffering and the misère enveloppé all in one. & lt; /P& WP; Facebook, MySpace and Twitter are the threads which connects à to us  the sphère of the matrix of l’ man, we are liés à through technology d’ aujourd’ today. Part of the  “quo” à l’ membership à these communautés virtual techno-is that we must take part fully and of us intégrer in his platform. The façon of which us to make it is to populate our Facebook and MySpace with the années 100 of books that we like, the 1000 of songs that we like, the S 10.000 ” d’ images which we have été marqués à l’ intA©rior and 100.000 ‘ S of the pensées and the feelings we think à us-mêmes. & lt; /P& WP; Réflexions & lt; p& WP; on which we are, à l’ intA©rior qu’ à l’ extA©rior, s’ delay on an infinite wire. That is natural. And with Facebook, MySpace and Twitter like the transistors on this wire, garçon they to help à to quantify its infinance. Admittedly, c’ is cool of knowknowing about a party which has ” décroché” or if ” c’ is compliqué” with your love of lycée, now that we are adult. But is this normal, is this right, is this healthy? My réponses:  “Not, I do not know pas” and  “you décidez” , respectively. In our époque of the techno-diversité, l’ adaptation and the change is our indicator of the santé. But, leaving these pensées and these émotions does not leave us cochée émotionnellement, morally, physically and spiritually suffering of malnutrition. & lt; /P& WP; ” What do you make now? ” I wonder.  “I am the paix” l’ another voice in my tête whispers back. I think that c’ is all that you must know. & lt; /P& WP;

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M. Johnson-Smith is a writer and author from West Cambridge, MA. He is also president of Clearwater Consulting Group where he speaks and conducts writing workshops and seminars for young people across the country. Visit http://www. comingintoadulthood. us