Facebook Marketing Basics

10 steps to start with what Social Media Superstar

Thus, the high school and college kids I know have mentioned Facebook several years now. And like most mature adults, responsible, I cataloged as a place where children chargeable to the images for the world to see and is a more modern version of the chat rooms they talked middle school.

Call me officially wrong! A month ago, I joined the Facebook community (which I reach over 150 million worldwide by others – seriously!) I thought it might serve some good deals and I “Dink around” with it.

Wow, I was surprised. 6 hours later I had already connected with 48 friends. (I do not think many people like me!) Two days later, a high school friend of mine sent me an e-mail through Facebook asking me for my consulting business. We met a few days later and has identified several projects that I could do for her. Probably the easiest client I’ve ever found! (Not to mention that I logged – and get to work – with an old friend!)

So if you are on Facebook? If you target those under 30 years, I think the answer is easy (yes her!). If you target the 30-40, you will start seeing more and more in this age group on this site, and 50 years are not far behind. (There is talk of Facebook!) If you are a local company, is a great opportunity to stand out in the vastness of the web. I think the adjustment of retail trade is enormous. And if you market to a group where there is a risk that they meet in chat rooms, you will find a place here.

Of course, there may be some types of cases that do not match, but for most, the answer is probably “yes.” The price is right (free) – then you only need to invest your time. (Warning, it can be addictive. My girlfriend Grade 8 – yes, you really communicate with people you have not seen in 30 years – said her husband called FaceCrack!)

OK, if you’re curious. Here are 10 simple steps to begin:

1. Set up a personal account – just go to www. facebook. com and enter your name and your email. You will be asked about your background data. The more you give, the more it will help you find friends and start your network speed.

2. Communicate with your personal friends and family to learn the terrain. Get used to send a friend request “and respond to friend requests. Add some “wall” posts, and to update the status of years, and comment on others. Build a group of people you are really interested in connecting with. I suggest starting with some friends, then you can go to business contacts.

3. Be active with it – there is a stream of Facebook. It has its own tone (a bit more sarcastic and fun than traditional communications) and jargon. It is not complicated to get the hang of it, but it should give you a little time to explore and understand the general atmosphere.

4. Join a few groups – search for groups related to your business and sign up for some. See how groups and related work in the discussion forum. If your potential customers will be on a panel, then join. Focusing first to have real conversations and creating value, not only on the sale. (It’s all true!) In the first week, I made a friend in Singapore (of all places) from a panel discussion, which could lead to interesting things on the road.

5. See a few pages of the company / brand. Do you like the rock band Coldplay? Are you addicted to diet coke? Do you have a local company that has preferred a home page FB? (Or become a fan of the FAME Foundation.) Just go to this page and become a fan. It’s fun!

6. Establish a Web page for yourself – once you see some pages with ease any other company, set up one for you. Note here, I found it very strange way of defining these up. Go to a Web page (like Coca-Cola, Coldplay, FAME), and basically there is a body “of your own bookmarks. It is somewhat buried, but to create one. And do not stress if you do not have 4,000 fans at night, let it build.

7. Start a group linked to your business – Think it through and created a group to discuss things related to your business. Look for ways you can create value.

8. Promote it – start notifying your customers that you have a Facebook page. Put it on your site. Put it on your card. weave it into articles and blogs (for example: This article !!!)
9. Find people who would do great customers or partners – and then send a friend request.

10. While this works. Like any marketing tool, it does grow. Put some energy into this over time. Probably you will find it fun. Log in and spend a few minutes each day.

Social marketing is a key trend. Facebook is one of many tools, but it certainly has a lot of momentum right now and represents a significant opportunity for companies who see a good fit and are willing to put some energy into the process. Many people find it easier and more comfortable to network than they do in person.

Probably the best advice is to have fun. If you can appreciate how you market your business, you’ll need to do much more and you get a lot better. See you online!

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