Squeeze Pages and Benefits

First, I should say that there’s some debate about what a squeeze page is. However, it’s generally understood that a squeeze page is a page with the goal of getting only two things: the collection of prospects’ personal information and permission to contact them later.

You might be saying that there are other ways to go about getting those things and that might be true. But squeeze pages do a little something extra while getting that information out of prospects…they squeeze in some advertisement.

Why do squeeze pages exist?

Well, they exist because online business owners know that prospects aren’t likely to buy from them on the first go-round. It’ll take a bit of convincing, and that can be done by advertising on a webpage and making regular contact through email.

But the major thing to understand about squeeze pages is that they’re designed to “squeeze” information out of your prospects. That’s their main objective. They’re where you collect that vital information about your prospects that you’ll use later on in your marketing efforts.

How do they collect that information?

Squeeze pages dangle something in front of prospects that is impossible pass up. In order for prospects to get access to it, business owners require that prospects input their personal information. It could be a free report, free software or even more information about a particular product.

So what kind of information do squeeze pages usually request?

That usually depends on the business owner, but the most popular requested information is:

• Names
• Email addresses

What is this information is used for?

That should be obvious- more marketing. By providing email addresses, prospects can be put on email subscriber lists. Business owners contact them later and tell them about their businesses and what they have to offer.

Squeeze pages simply give prospects the option to take a specific action or leave a website. The trick is to design the squeeze page so that prospects can’t even imagine leaving.

When squeeze pages are optimized, a large amount of traffic visits them and business owners are knee-deep in prospects’ information. If you’re using squeeze pages, that means that you’re sitting on a pile of valuable information and that you’ll be able to study subscriber and buyer habits. You’ll also have a new advertising avenue.

Make no mistake- these pages are all about leads.

Generating interest in your business and its products is a major component of squeeze pages, but gathering that personal information is more so.

If prospects leave without giving you that information, the success of your squeeze page is questionable. It’s all about opening doors to communication, building relationships with people who will then buy your product and turn into full customers.

Creating squeeze pages can only benefit your business, since they’re easy to make, save time, are highly effective and give you permission to communicate with a list of prospects who want to be contacted. In essence, they do a lot of your target market research for you.

But don’t think it’s too easy. You’ll first have to design a winning squeeze page that both appeals and caters to your target market.

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