Tools Needed for Building an Email List

Building an email list is easy as long as you have the necessary tools to make your work more efficient and effective.  Many online entrepreneurs and Internet marketers started growing their businesses by building a huge email list.

So here are some of the most important tools you need to build your email subscription list.  Most of these tools are available for free but your list building campaign would look more professional if you can purchase premium email list building tools.

1.  You need a domain and a hosting service so you can set up a website.  You can build an email squeeze page or a subscription site where visitors can leave their email addresses.

There are free hosting services and blogging platforms that provide free sub-domains.  The problem with free sites is that most people do not trust a squeeze page hosted on free services.  You can quickly increase your sign-up rate by getting your own domain and paying for hosted service.

2.  You need a contact form or an opt-in subscription form.  This is a piece of code that you can embed to your squeeze pages so you can generate a web form.  Again, there are free web forms out there but you can get more functionality from a professional web form builder.

3.  You need an auto-responder to manage your email list building.  An auto-responder takes much of the work from you because it will automate replies and can send scheduled emails.  There are free auto-responders but these are ad-supported and spammy looking.

These are the basic tools you need to build an email list.  If you have these tools, then you can start building your own email list.

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